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Our business


Through the grouping system, that is, the division of the planted areas for each of the months of the year, it is possible to produce fresh fruits year round.

Cultivation techniques are incorporated to schedule flowering and fruit development throughout the year.

Our farms

One of the production techniques used, which generates higher productivity per hectare, is the pruning of the plants. This keeps them short allowing harvesting without the need for machines and / or other equipment. This greatly reduces production costs and physical damage to the harvested fruits, and contributes to waste avoidance.

Another technique is the densification of the plantation, which allows cultivating a greater number of plants per hectare by reducing the spacing between them. The oldest growing areashave an average of 100 to 200 plants per hectare, while the newer plantations on the Sweet Fruits Group farmshave areas ranging from 850 to 1,500 plants per hectare.


The Sweet Fruits Group has two packing houses located in Petrolina / PE, for the
processing of mangoes harvested on the Group's farms with a  processing capacity of 40 tons of fruit per hour.

In these facilities, which are certified for food handling by international institutions, the fruits are washed and selected according to the destination (national or foreign market) and their characteristics (size, weight and color) under strict quality controls. After selection, the fruits are packed, palletized, and stored in cold rooms with capacity for 20 containers.

Sweet Fruits – Portugal – receives the fruits exported by Sweet Fruits and performs the last processing before delivering the product to the retail chains on the continent. In this process, carried out in a 6,000 m2 warehouse, the final controls are carried relative to the selection (weight, color, size), the quality of the fruits, and any adjustments in their ripening stage.

more than 5,000 points of sale


Marketing is the last link in the Sweet Fruits Group production chain, which begins
with production on its own farms, goes through the processing of these fruits in our
packing houses, and ends with quality products on retail shelves.

In addition to the mangoes produced on its own farms, Sweet Fruits Group also sells other fruits and vegetables. Among the products sold by the Group we have: grape, melon, papaya, watermelon and lemon. Among the imported products, we highlight: pear, apple, fresh plum, peach, kiwi, garlic, and onion bought in countries in South America, Europe and China.

In Brazil, Sweet Fruits distributes its products through its subsidiary in São Paulo,
which operates within the state's commercial warehouses. It has small and medium- sized retail clients, as well as large supermarket chains.

In Europe, distribution is carried out through Sweet Fruits – Portugal – whose main clients are the large retail chains in Portugal, Holland, Spain, France, and Poland.